
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

People Around you...

People around you are not necessarily with you.People are mainly interested in themselves. They can not have any interest in you. Except that they have only self interest. people in power and position get so many people around them. This people are more interested in their power and position and so their interest is mainly self interest. To deal with the people is an art. and it is not easy for everybody that they can deal with the people so easily. One has to learn this art of dealing with people. You are lucky if you get good people around you. Generally people are selfish and self interested . So to get helpful and dedicated people is very difficult. It all depends on your luck.To get loyal and faithful people is again like a dream. It is more necessary to be less demanding. That you expect less from others, from people, is more crucial. The golden rule is to be less demanding. You be yourself. And help others without expecting what others are thinking . Be listner sometime with people.