What is happiness ??
How to be happy in life??
. We are searching happiness in life through family , job, career, money, society etc.
. But happiness is probably the most expensive thing to get in life.
Most of the people are not happy in this world despite having money ,family , love job etc
.They complain all the time about their problems and pain .
.Most of the time many of us are found under tension and some problems..
/And we keep on searching out solutions and way to come out from sorrow and problems ..
Most of us always try to get happiness and try to be happy in life
But most of the time we run here and there in various problems ..
What is this happiness after all?
which we all are looking for in life?
What is the meaning of happy??
How to be happy?
ask yourself a simple question but you will not get any answers...
Happiness is nothing but a state of mind.
.Happiness is some stage of mind..
.Happiness comes from heart and mind and not from just worldly
material like money, luxury etc.
.But of course by getting money and living a life
with luxury and comfort we do find most of the time happiness..
Imagine a holidaying in beautiful place with comfort and luxury , one do get happiness
. But this is a mental condition which w e experience.
.Love always required to be happy
But it does make unhappy again as both are mental and emotional stage of mind and heart.
Less expectations from life, simple lifestyle can make one happy .
.Help others and they will help you to get happiness..
It is said that money , love, family and social status are required to be happy..
Always keep yourself busy but not overworked to remain happy in life.
.Dont give too much physical burden to your body and keep simple lifestyle to be happy in life...
Dont expect too much and dont be over ambitious
Otherwise you will invite pain and sorrow in life
.Think less and work more is the golden rule to achieve happiness and success in life.
Keep some hobby and make Your self busy always.
.Help others and they will make you happy..
And lastly be positive and trust Almighty and be Happy...
Good Luck.....
How to be happy in life??
Everybody want to be happy in life.
. We are searching happiness in life through family , job, career, money, society etc.
. But happiness is probably the most expensive thing to get in life.
Most of the people are not happy in this world despite having money ,family , love job etc
.They complain all the time about their problems and pain .
.Most of the time many of us are found under tension and some problems..
/And we keep on searching out solutions and way to come out from sorrow and problems ..
Most of us always try to get happiness and try to be happy in life
But most of the time we run here and there in various problems ..
What is this happiness after all?
which we all are looking for in life?
What is the meaning of happy??
How to be happy?
ask yourself a simple question but you will not get any answers...
Happiness is nothing but a state of mind.
.Happiness is some stage of mind..
A feeling which is better known as happiness.
.Happiness comes from heart and mind and not from just worldly
material like money, luxury etc.
.But of course by getting money and living a life
with luxury and comfort we do find most of the time happiness..
Imagine a holidaying in beautiful place with comfort and luxury , one do get happiness
. But this is a mental condition which w e experience.
.Love always required to be happy
But it does make unhappy again as both are mental and emotional stage of mind and heart.
Less expectations from life, simple lifestyle can make one happy .
.Help others and they will help you to get happiness..
It is said that money , love, family and social status are required to be happy..
Always keep yourself busy but not overworked to remain happy in life.
.Dont give too much physical burden to your body and keep simple lifestyle to be happy in life...
Dont expect too much and dont be over ambitious
Otherwise you will invite pain and sorrow in life
.Think less and work more is the golden rule to achieve happiness and success in life.
Keep some hobby and make Your self busy always.
.Help others and they will make you happy..
And lastly be positive and trust Almighty and be Happy...
Good Luck.....