
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Welcome MMS And TEAM....

Welcome MMS As prime Minister & team - by chaula kuruwa 23 May 2009This story has been read 487 times. Category: NewsTopic: Others So as I have written in my last article ultimately MMS has become the choice Prime Minister of the country. With his clean image ,honesty, somberness people have prefered to give five year fix term to him so that uncertainity can be avoided. Many astrologers did various predictions ,forcasts for the election result. Most of them, allmost all failed to give the correct forcast. Many exit poll were done and announced hardly any came out with the correct result. So ultimately MMs and sonia are given good mandate to form the government . MMS governments policies and specially election reforms have won the battle. People have prefered the stable government and economic development in this election than the lust of 15 people s lust for PMs chair. Good luck to MMS and his team..People are waiting for better days and development ,economic progress n reform. //